Black Berry and I phone

Sunday 17 May 2009

In addition to these major drawbacks of the iPhone, our venture capitalist cites the following as reasons to prefer the BlackBerry:

* The BlackBerry 8800 possesses GPS, which makes Google Maps much more useful, especially for turn-by-turn directions
* The iPhone lacks basic cut and paste capabilities
* Despite Apple’s reputation for superior user interface design, the BlackBerry possesses keyboard shortcuts that make navigation around and between applications a breeze
* The BlackBerry’s phone quality is better than the iPhone’s
* The Safari browser is certainly more stunning than the BlackBerry’s primitive browser, but the iPhone seems to load even text-only pages more slowly than the BlackBerry over the EDGE network
* The BlackBerry possesses a general contacts application that makes contacting people by any given method more convenient
* The battery runs out faster on the iPhone simply because it is used for more tasks. This makes it less reliable for when one must take the device somewhere overnight without the opportunity to recharge.

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