Crop circle pictures

Monday 31 January 2011

Crop Circle photos collection:

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Again, the phenomenon of crop circles are found again in Indonesia

Crop Circle In Indonesia - Crop Circle or symmetrical pattern formed in the rice fields Berbah, Sleman, Yogyakarta is shocking the public. Because the rice field area formed the mysterious circle. Many believe that this was an alien or UFO trail, and this event is the first time this has happened in Indonesia.
Not to be sure the cause of the formation of the Crop Circle in Sleman. The scientists are still researching the cause of the Crop Circle or the mysterious circle. And in the hope that all parties would be wise to address the phenomenon of crop circles that appeared in the area of rice fields are resident in Berbah Sleman. Not only in Sleman and Bantul, the phenomenon of crop circles have appeared in the Hamlet Kumbangan, Village Banyusari, Tegalrejo, Magelang, Central Java.

Location crop circle was just right in front of the boarding Hidayatul Muhtadiin. Location crop circle was discovered around 0700 by a religious students Ponpes it.
see the collection of crop circle pictures
READ MORE - Again, the phenomenon of crop circles are found again in Indonesia